
Showing posts from 2019

Achievement board for this Semester

Achievement board for the First Semester of year 2019/2020 HorraaaY… Congratulations to those who managed to do the  quiz  early and accomplished a good score, for those who hasn’t let’s try again and again and again until you gain the perfect score. Here are the Students who gain the most score before the deadline. For English Monthly Exam Grade Seven Junior High School Semester 1: Chapter One. Good morning. How are you? -> scored 92 of 100, accessed on 9-17-2019 15:13:46 by Sitti Nurlaila Class 7 G SMPN 9 Kota Serang. Sitti Nurlaila first best score Chapter One Chapter Two. It’s Me! -> scored 85 of 100, accessed on 9-21-2019 2:08:10 PM by Kamiliya Nur Iklima Class 7 F SMPN 9 Kota Serang. Kamiliya Nur Iklima first best score Chapter Two Chapter Three What time is it?, section 1 TIME. -> scored 100 of 100, accessed on 10-15-2019 10:15:37 PM by Mona Mulyasari Class 7 F SMPN 9 Kota Serang. Mona Mulyasari first best score Chapter Three Session One Chapter Three What time is it? S

Practice on English Final Test Semester One Class Seven

Dear Students, The Final Test session for this first Semester of Class Seven is almost arriving. I hope you make enough preparation for the test and get the best result. I do hope the quiz I prepared on this page might help you prepare. The questions composed last academic year by the teachers of Serang City who join MGMP Bahasa Inggris in Serang City. I did only a little adjustment. This year's questions might be different, but at least you can see how much you remember the lesson this semester. Good luck with doing the preparation quiz on your own. God bless. Click on this link to practice. Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Penilaian Akhir Semester 1 Kelas 7 Siswa-siswiku tersayang, Masa Ujian Akhir Semester untuk Semester Satu kelas 7 sudah hampir tiba. Miss Rizkha harapkan kamu sudah bersiap-siap dengan baik untuk tes dan kemudian mendapatkan nilai yang terbaik. Semoga kuis yang miss unggah di laman ini dapat membantumu mempersiapkan diri. Soal-soal yang ada adalah s

Latihan Penilaian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1

 pic from Dear Beloved Students, As I promised you many many days ago in person about how you wanted to do Exam practices even when you are not in the classroom I am teaching. Here is the quiz I've composed for you to practice. To practice, English Mid Term Exam Grade Eight Junior High School Semester 1 click this link. "May the force be with you." Latihan Penilaian Tengah Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 Para siswaku yang baik hati, seperti yang sudah Miss Rizkha janjikan menanggapi keinginanmu belajar walaupun tidak belajar di kelas miss Rizkha. Berikut kuis yang telah Miss Rizkha susun, selamat mengerjakan. Untuk melakukan Latihan Soal Penilaian Tengah Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1, klik tautan ini Selamat berjuang. "You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." *Christopher Robin- Winie the Pooh

Latihan Penilaian Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1

English Monthly Exam Grade Seven Junior High School Dear Beloved Students, As I promised you several days ago in the classroom, I will upload some questions regarding the preparation for the Monthly Exam in English for this Semester. Here is the quiz I've composed for you to practice. For the best result, I have prepared a door prize for one lucky student who gains the highest score. Good luck with doing the quiz. To practice, English Monthly Exam Grade Seven Junior High School Semester 1 click the link below: Chapter One. Good morning. How are you?  Chapter Two. It’s Me! Chapter Three. What Time Is It? Section 1 TIME  Chapter Three. What Time Is It? Section 2 DAYS and DATE "May the force be with you." You can see the winner of each exercise's best score on  Students' Step Up page. Latihan Penilaian Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Para siswaku yang baik hati, seperti yang sudah Miss Rizkha janjikan saat kita belajar di kelas bebe

Questions Grids for English Test

Dear teachers, It’s been two months since our first meeting with the students this semester this year. The Mid Test is almost here, the preparation should have been done, of course. Here I’d like to share the questions grids design of Monthly Assessment in preparation for the Mid Test. All criticisms and suggestions are welcomed for me to enhance better assessment questions in the future. Thank you. Class Seven Junior High School Chapter One Questions Grids- Good morning. How are you? Chapter Two Questions Grids- Chapter II. It’s Me! "Be the person who doubt the default and take the initiative to look for a better option." Adam Grant. Kisi-kisi Soal Penilaian Harian Bahasa Inggris Bapak Ibu Guru yang Budiman, Dua bulan sudah kita menjalankan kegiatan belajar mengajar di semester satu di tahun ajaran 2019/2020 ini. Penilaian Tengah Semester sudah semakin dekat, persiapan pun tentunya sudah seharusnya dilakukan. Berikut ingin saya bagikan kisi kisi Penilaian Harian menjelang Pe

How to Use Comic and Meme Creator

To be able to use the app, you need to install the app first. Please make sure you have enough storage on your phone so that the app can easily be installed on your android phone. Please take into account that this app is not compatible for Ios phone. After you install the app correctly on your phone, the phone usually makes a shortcut on the phone home view. You can move the shortcut into your favorite folder if necessary. For the teacher, before starting making comic strips on Comic & Meme Creator, first, you need to make a storyboard or at least some note on what are the contents will be. Make sure that you use the comic strips as wise as possible, and written in accordance with the National Curricula. Take into account that you will choose background including time and nuance of the comics. You are also going to choose how many boxes (strips) that you need to strengthen the story for learning purposes. To use the Comic & Meme Creator easily, there are some steps that you ca

The Solatif Chapter One Answer Keys

Good afternoon my dear Students. Thank you for willingly done the task I gave you in our last meeting this week. As I’ve promised you earlier at the last meeting, I will upload the answer keys of the task that I gave you today. Here we are, please note that this answer keys will be available only in a certain time on this page . Gool luck counting your achievement, hope you have a good mark. If not, we still have time to repair it. Thank you. Those who willing to change, will change. RDR Kunci Jawaban Solatif Bab I Selamat siang siswa-siswaku yang cantik dan genteng. Terimakasih telah berbaik hati mengerjakan tugas pada pertemuan kita di minggu ini. Seperti janji miss Rizkha di pertemuan terakhir di minggu ini, bahwa miss akan mengunggah kunci jawaban di hari ini. Maka inilah dia kunci jawabannya. Tolong diingat, kunci jawaban ini hanya akan tersedia dalam waktu tertentu pada laman berikut . Selamat menghitung nilainya yaa, semoga kamu nilainya bagus. Kalau belum, kita masih

Polite Messaging

Pic from   Santun Berkirim Pesan Zaman sekarang, banyak orang yang lebih suka menggunakan layanan pengirim teks online. Saya contohnya, lebih suka mengirim pesan kepada orang yang pertama kali saya kenal daripada menelponnya. Mungkin kamu juga. Pada pesan pertama yang saya kirimkan, sebisa mungkin saya memberikan ucapan salam yang santun sebagai pembuka. Harapannya, jika kamu kirim pesan pada saya pertama kali, juga akan melakukan hal yang sama. Tulisan ini pun sebenarnya dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pengumuman kecil kepada anak-anakku siswa tercinta yang berkenan ingin terhubung dengan saya melalui layanan pengiriman pesan online. Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan sebagai langkah demi langkah saat kamu berkirim pesan pada seorang guru: Sapa dengan baik. Bagaimana caranya menyapa dengan santun? Kamu bisa saja menggunakan Ucapan Sapaan yang lazim digunakan dalam bahasa ibu untuk menyapa guru, misalnya "Selamat Pagi." atau "Se

Welcome New Students of SMP 9 Kota Serang. Know Your Learning Style andKind

Pic from The new academic year of 2019/2020 has come. Welcome to the new students of SMP 9 Kota Serang. I am looking forward to your involvement and attentiveness in gaining knowledge and self-improvement. Let’s prepare ourselves with the best support we can give to strengthen our motivation and effort for a brighter future. Every student has the same opportunity to make use of this site as one of one’s source of learning. As the teacher, I feel privileged if you would visit this blog regularly to be well informed and connected. As a beginning, let's make a self-survey of what our type of learning is. Just simply click on this link , then fill in the survey questions to know. And to know what kind of student are you, check up some questions here . Happy surfing. I'm better when I try. - Rizkha Destianri Ridwan Selamat datang siswa baru SMP 9 Kota Serang. Yuk, kenali gaya belajarmu dan tipe pelajarmu. Tahun Pelajaran baru 2019/2020 telah

Free Online Learning

Belajar Daring Gratis Nowadays, being updated about everything is a necessity. As a student, you need to be updated too, not just about entertainment or information, you need to be updated also about education and everything about your classroom subjects. Many platforms are being offered online, one of which is a design by the Minister of Education. It is called Rumah Belajar , you can also learn on one of its features that is TV Edukasi . Another feature that necessary of the features in Rumah Belajar, is Kelas Maya , I try to develop a class online in it too. You can visit my class too after you sign up . Do sign up as a Student, make sure you have an email, and remember your National Student Number. Please view the explanation about Rumah Belajar on my YouTube channel . Click on this to view the video.  This is how it looks if you've followed my class. Kelas Maya Miss RIzkha English 7 Kini, sangat penting bagi kita untuk tidak ketinggalan informasi. Sebagai siswa, kamu pun

Let's play Kahoot

You might once hear this Kahoot game before. It is a fun way of doing quizzes with your students online or even offline, at school, during the class. It's simple, you may download the app from Google Play if you are an Android user, just click this link. If you don't wish to install it, you can simply go to a page on your browser, and write or simply click this. From , you need to invite some of your friends to play together so that this quiz be more fun to play. You are challenging them to play and get the highest score. Thus, you need a game pin to play with. Let me share some of my PINs so that you can practice anywhere about some of the English learning materials. Here are the PINs you may play one at a time A quiz about Animals' look, just type 804228 A quiz about Animals' sound, just type 120663 A quiz about Greetings and leave-taking, just type 544503 There might be some new quizzes that I make, you can favorite the quizzes t