Latihan Penilaian Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1

English Monthly Exam Grade Seven Junior High School

Dear Beloved Students,

As I promised you several days ago in the classroom, I will upload some questions regarding the preparation for the Monthly Exam in English for this Semester. Here is the quiz I've composed for you to practice. For the best result, I have prepared a door prize for one lucky student who gains the highest score. Good luck with doing the quiz.

To practice, English Monthly Exam Grade Seven Junior High School Semester 1 click the link below:

Chapter One. Good morning. How are you? 

Chapter Two. It’s Me!

Chapter Three. What Time Is It? Section 1 TIME 

Chapter Three. What Time Is It? Section 2 DAYS and DATE

"May the force be with you."

You can see the winner of each exercise's best score on  Students' Step Up page.

Latihan Penilaian Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1

Para siswaku yang baik hati, seperti yang sudah Miss Rizkha janjikan saat kita belajar di kelas beberapa hari lalu, Miss Rizkha akan mengunggah Latihan Soal dalam rangka persiapan kita menjelang Penilaian Harian yang akan dilaksanakan minggu mendatang.  Berikut kuis yang telah Miss Rizkha susun, selamat mengerjakan. Akan ada hadiah untuk kamu yang mendapat nilai tertinggi dalam kuis ini.

Untuk melakukan Latihan Soal Penilaian Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1, klik tautan di bawah ini:

Bab 1 Good morning. How are you?

Bab 2 It’s Me!

Bab 3. What Time Is It? Bagian 1 TIME 

Bab 3. What Time Is It? Bagian 2 DAYS and DATE

Selamat berjuang.

Pengumuman peraih nilai tertinggi paling awal ada di laman Students' Step Up 

"The greatest teacher, failure is."  *Yoda- Star Wars


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