OMR Evaluator ease my job.

As a Junior High School teacher with hundreds of students under my supervision, I do need help to ease my most time-consuming work, that is checking the students' test result.

Fortunately, in one of the teachers' meeting, one of my colleagues introduced me to an app that could be installed easily in my Android phone and get to use it right away. I use OMR Evaluator to scan the students' answers sheets.

If you are an android user, you can download the app from this link.


Right after I made questions for the Mid Term test, I began to use this app and learn to maximally use the result for the administration stuff as a teacher. We can easily get the result just by scanning the answer sheet. Voila! Just like that, I saved my time.

First steps

Here are some screenshots I upload from my OMR Evaluator views.

Screenshot_2018-12-16-17-30-27-288_com.ekodroid.omrevaluator Home Preview

You just need to choose the add button on the bottom right of the Home Preview of the app.

Then make the Exam answer sheets according to your need.

Screenshot_2018-12-16-17-30-37-522_com.ekodroid.omrevaluator Create Exam option on OMR Evaluator

Roll no Digits is the Student's roll number. the latest update from this app has improved so that you can set how many numbers you need to categories the students according to their grade and classroom.

Exam Sets and Subjects, I choose one, since I only teach one subject in the school. You can modify this too, just tap the plus or minus sign. Please edit the Subject name according to your need in only 15 letters, not more. I suggest you use a code to some extent.

This year, at school we use the "National Curricula", known as Kurikulum 2013. As stated in the Guide for Assessment publish by the Minister of Education, we need to asses the student in task based on the basic competencies (Kompetensi Dasar). That's why I make the test in three sections. However, the option can be modified as you wish or needed.

Just be sure you know what to design before you tap next.
Screenshot_2018-12-16-17-35-10-125_com.ekodroid.omrevaluator OMR Evaluator

The sections names can also be modified. I make the names of the section based on the Basic Competencies code as it stated in the Syllabus from the Minister of Education. Edit the Sections name according to your need in only 20 letters, not more. I suggest you use a code to some extent.

The Number of Question for each Section I set following the Indicators of Competency Achievement (Indikator pencapaian kompetensi). Trust me, it helps me to map the students' achievement.

Question Type. Since the type of test I give is a multiple-choice test, and as it is commonly used, I make the answers option only four.

To make me easier to count, I mark for a correct answer one point.

Don't worry about the final mark for students. The app will count it for us in numbers and percentages.

If you need, you can also give negative points for each mark for an incorrect answer. I happen to decide not to.

 Make sure you decide well here, edit all Subject and Section names because after you click next, you will be seeing options for printing the Students' answer sheet for you to copy.

Here is the option, you can choose according to your preference.

 You can choose Continuous or Subject in column form. Then tap save.

Fill in the option as you need it. After you tap save you can set answers or create pdf of the Answers sheet. The pdf can be printed straight from your phone, or you can share it from the pdf opener app on your phone to your email or even to your cloud devices and social media.

Screenshot_2018-12-15-07-31-08-747_com.ekodroid.omrevaluator (2)

Set answers

At first, the thing I need to prepare is the Answer Key, I write it just like usual in a sheet of paper to make it easier for me to input it to the app.

After making the answer key, I then made the answer sheet. The thing we need to keep in mind when making the answer sheet is how do we want the result to be.

To input the answer key, you can do it now and tap Set answers or later by tapping the key icon on the Home preview.

Modify the answer sheet

For me, the pdf version of the sheet resulted from the app or download it via email, is a bit too paper consuming if it copied for each student since the print used only half the paper provided, I then ask my friend's help to modify it. Here's what it looked like.
Img_181215073519607-1 OMR Evaluator Modified Answer sheets[/caption]

A little but useful tip, If you decide to be frugal and make the answer sheets like above, that is two pages in one sheet, be sure not to copy it on a scale, because it will result in the compatibility of the app scanner. the Original pdf size is the absolute size that you must use since the app can only read or scan the answer sheet printed from its original scale. Do not make it bigger or smaller, please. My friend and I happen to know this after we just needed to scan and get the 38 sheets of student's result, unfortunately, since the photocopy person decides to scale it up to make the sheets more visible without our permission and also we were carelessly given the sheets without trying it first on our app, then the assessment needs more time to have the result, ups. please don't do our mistake.

Students need to know this

At the time the students use the answer sheets, I did give some explanation regarding rules to use it, due to the app compatibility. I remind the students to make sure that:

  • they blacken the circle well, all round and black.

  • not to miss writing their own Roll number.

  • if they mistakenly choose wrong answer letter and try to change it to another letter, the wrong letter should be an empty circle again. Otherwise, it might make their "right answer" to be read "the wrong answer" by the app.  Even so, the teacher still can edit this in the app.

  • they don't erase the black square on the answer sheet's margins.

After they are sure, they can then proceed to the test. Afterward, collect the answers sheets with care. Here is a copy of my student's answers sheet. I can also give my marks and signature so that the student knows her test result offline.

Img_181215073547073-1 My Student's Answer Sheet

Time to scan

Pile the students' answer sheets in order like in your assessment book. Then make sure that you have enough lighting since it might affect the scanning result. Position the Student's answer sheet and align the square to the square on your mobile phone screen.
Screenshot_2018-12-15-07-37-57-628_com.ekodroid.omrevaluator Position the answer sheet to align with the blue square on the OMR Evaluator app.

In scanning, you might face some difficulties when the Students forget some of the rules we just mentioned above. We can make some corrections afterward.


What to do after scanning?

The result from the scanning can be saved in many formats. The app instantly gives the item analysis so that we can use it to know each question's degree of difficulty. You can use the result and report it to the students' email or text it via SMS. You can also keep the record straight to your own email.

 The excel format that we download via email or any other cloud platform can be modified to assess Students' achievement in each Basic Competencies.


I used the excel format to input the students' grades into the score list. This is fun.
I hope you get the benefit from this note. Thank you.

As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters. *J.K Rowling*
